Friday, October 10, 2008

Meet Yodel, Our New Family Pet!

Before Sean left, we did the whole "deployment preparation" routine. This included creating a long list of the choices we could and couldn't make without common agreement. For example, I agreed that I would not paint the house pink, as long as Sean did not purchase a 52 inch, flat screen plasma television for his trailer.

However, Sean did not say anything about getting rid of his thousands of old, worn out T-shirts. Nor did he say anything about additional pets. Which brings me to a very exciting announcement regarding the new addition to our family.

At the beginning of September, the kids and I went to the State Fair. While we were in one of the barns, we met this cute little family of goats. One of the baby goats (named Yodel) walked right over to us, and said "BLLEEEAHHH...Take Me Home...BLEEEAAAAH." It was about the cutest thing I'd ever seen, and the kids just fell in love with her. We talked to the seller, who told us that female goats can produce up to two gallons of goat milk a day. Wow!

So I asked myself "what would Sean think if I brought Yodel home?" I knew right away that he would be very proud of my resourcefulness. How many other wives do you know with a perfectly groomed yard, instant petting zoo, fertilizer for the flower beds and fresh goat cheese crudites for dinner parties? Plus, I would be saving a lot of gas by simply feeding Sean's old t-shirts to Yodel, instead of driving them to the local Goodwill.

I imagine that Yodel will be much bigger by the time Sean gets home. However, I'm confident that all of the goatmilk will impress Sean so much, he will hardly notice the half eaten fence and bare spots in the lawn. Isn't she cute?


Anonymous said...

Seriously folks. I did not get a goat--nor would I ever feed it T-shirts.

ttrgrsn said...

So, the T-shirts are okay? Really? Can you post a picture of the T-shirts next to a recent newspaper?

Tacitus said...

Ronald Reagan: Trust but verify...I need a simultaneous picture, with a time/date-stamp, of both the front and back yards to prove you do not have the aforementioned goat. After the photos are posted, we will send them to an independent lab for verification. As for the T-Shirts. Those are sacred property. No matter how many holes may appear in the thin fibrous fabric. Those holes are hard-earned, and take time to properly develope and shape. It is similar to brewing the right must carefully care for these old T-Shirts. I believe the best thing is to place them in a air-tight safe to protect them from unsupervised decay while Sean is away. We must band together in honor of the Better Undergarment and T-Shirt Troupe Subsidy (a.k.a. BUTTS). No more T-Shirt Destruction -- Support BUTTS today!

Sean said...


Stop the senseless destruction of history and heritage.